
A Collections of Moment Ch 18

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Literature Text

"Skyfire, I demand that you put me down this instant."

Skyfire ignored Starscream, even though the Seeker was kicking and beating his fist against the Shuttle's armour. He instead concentrated on his sniffling Sparkling.

"Don't mind your Sire, Icefire he's just being silly," Skyfire said with a smile to Icefire.

"We're going to snuggle you up with all your teddies and your nice warm blanket, how does that sound?"

Icefire gurgled plaintively in response but he was still very down. Skyfire was sure he had made the right decision in regards to his mate. Icefire was going to need both his Creators in the coming cycles.

"At least let me walk," Starscream now said with a moan as the few Autobots snickered at the sight of him.

He did look utterly ridiculous slung over Skyfire's shoulder like a hunter's meat. But Skyfire had no intention of letting him down until they were safely in his quarters. And only after he'd made sure there was no escape for his wayward mate.

So he ignored his mate's protests and carried on towards his room. Finally, they arrived and with only minor difficulty due to the fact his hands were full, entered.

"Home at last," he said with a deep sigh of relief.

He felt so much better now that he had Icefire safely in his secure quarters.

"There we go," he cooed, carefully placing Icefire in his little cot with its soft blanket.

Icefire immediately seized and hugged his teddies, bursting into teras again. Skyfire stroked his little head, murmuring to comfort his young son. Starscream had gone limp and silent, the sound of his son's cries having a profound effect on him.

"It's okay darling, we're home now and you're safe now. I'll never let anyone hurt you ever again."

Icefire looked up at him with wide watery optics. He seemed to be pleading with Amma for this promise to be true. Skyfire tickled his cheek before turning his attention to Starscream.

Ha glanced around, trying to find something to ensure Starscream couldn't run away. Like all Autobot soldiers, he carried a pair of cuffs but he didn't want to tie Starscream up. In the end, he decided to produce a makeshift ball and chain to ensure Starscream would stay put.

He was hoping that he could convince Starscream to stay of his own free will. He didn't want to have to oppose his will or his mate and ruin their relationship.

Starscream was still pretty limp but as Skyfire moved towards the berth, he tensed up.

"Finally," he huffed as Skyfire lowered him to the berth.

"I thought you'd never...hey, what are you doing?"

As soon as he'd put the Seeker on ther berth, Skyfire had seized the end of the chain and snapped it on Starscream's ankle. As Starscream stared in horror at it, Skyfire turned back to Icefire in order to give him more comfort.

"What...what the frag is this?" Starscream demanded after a few shocked moments.

"Don't swear in front of our son," Skyfire snapped and Starscream briefly cowered before recovering.

"You can't keep me chained up like this," he said shrilly to which Skyfire shrugged.

"I can try."

"," Starscream stammered in disbelief.

He stared again at his chained leg and experimentally tried to move it. He could move but with a certain amount of difficulty. No doubt, he'd be able to walk but with a lot of drag. He'd never managed to run and fly away with this weight.

And what was worse the chain was too short to lift up and carry. Until he could be rid of it, he was effectively stuck here.

He gnashed his denta together, furious with the situation. How dare Skyfire chain him up and berate him. After all he'd gone through to protect their child, this was all the thanks he got.

"I won't be treated like this Skyfire, you can't..."

"I can Starscream," Skyfire snarled spinning around and looming over the Seeker.

Starscream really did fall back on this time, he was so imtimidated by the sight of his angry mate. He trembled as Skyfire's optics flashed an electric blue.

"Listen to me Starscream. The cowardly thug you call a leader physically abused our son and utterly terrified him. He did it because Icefire's your son."

"I...I," Starscream stuttered crawling backwards on the berth, Skyfire following him.

"He was stuffed into a small dirty crate and left there, crying for comfort and Energon," Skyfire growled, not touching Starscream but pinning him to the berth with his angry stare.

"I-I tried to stop him," Starscream whispered.

"It doesn't matter," Skyfire said harshly. "The fact remains that your leader abused both you and Icefire. And I can't understand why you don't think it's wrong."

"Of course I do," Starscream protested, now between Skyfire's hands.

"He's just a little Sparkling, I don't..."

"But what about you?" Skyfire demanded.

"Why is it you don't see its wrong for you to be abused?"

"I'm not abused," Starscream scoffed. "Megatron just isn't soft like Prime, he knows we need discipline."

"Discipline? You call being beaten to scrap discipline?"

"You make it sound so awful," Starscream said sulkily.

"He tried to force you to interface with you," Skyfire growled.

"He treated you like a common pleasurebot."

"Now see here," Starscream said angrily.

"How dare you, I have never allowed anyone to treat me like that and the only reason I was considering doing it with him was for Icefire."

"And how long before he starting dragging you into his berth?" Skyfire said with uncharacteristic sneer.

Starscream glared at him before turning away.

"You wouldn't understand," he said sulkily.

"No, I don't," Skyfire said grumpily.

They both stared at each other, both furious with the other. And Icefire made a small chirping noise and the moment was broken.

"We'll discuss this later," Skyfire said firmly before getting off the berth and going to Icefire.

Starscream sighed and collapsed on the berth. He yanked at his chain, trying to make himself more comfortable. He also watched as Skyfire lifted Icefire up and bright optics peeped over his shoulder at his Sire who tried to smile.

"There we go," murmured Skyfire as he carefully wrapped Icefire up in a blanket.

He then turned around and placed the little bundle in Starscream's arms. Starscream stared as his mate then selected a couple of teddies and gave them to Icefire who held onto them tightly. He then popped a small dummy in Icefire's mouth and got onto the berth beside Starscream.

"That's it," Skyfire cooed softly as Icefire gradually settled down.

He pulled Starscream into his arms and the three of them lay there on the berth. Icefire squirmed and buried against his Sire's Chassis. He chirped and when Starscream stroked his cheek, settled down.

It was then Starscream realised that his son was going to need a lot of comfort and reassurance over the coming cycles. Not only had he been smacked and locked up but he was forcedly separated from his family and denied comfort. Perhaps he really was needed there, rather than the Nemesis.

"Hmmm," he hummed softly and received a kiss from his mate who sensed he was relaxing.

Skyfire rearranged his arms around Starscream so that they were both lying more comfortably. If he could show Starscream how much happier he would be with, maybe Starscream would stay. Icefire needed his Sire here, not on the other side of the War.

He would simply have to his best to ensure that happened.

The Nemesis

Megatron angrily brooded in his Control Room, furious with how the cycle's events had gone. Just when he'd caught Starscream in the act of openly defying him, he'd gotten away. Not only that, but he'd lost that valuable Carrying Femme and that little brat of Starscream's.

He couldn't believe that Optimus Prime had managed to fool Soundwave and get his damn Shuttle on board, along with Ironhide and that fragging invisible noble. They'd taken both of his prizes and spirited away his SIC.

Well, the moment that snivelling Seeker returned, he'd be in for the beating of his life.

At that moment, Thundercracker and Skywarp walked into the room and they didn't look happy. This was partly because of what he'd done to the Sparkling but mostly because of how Starscream hadn't trusted them. They felt betrayed that he had his son's existence from them.

"Starscream hasn't come back," Thundercracker said softly as he and his wing mate reached him.

"Prime will not allow him to leave and no doubt that Shuttle won't either."

They looked even more miserable at this.

"Why'd he do it?" Skywarp questioned.

"We'd have loved to meet his little son, why he'd hide him?"

"Who knows how your Trine mate's mind works," Megatron said grimly before eying them shrewdly.

"Do you wish me to try and contact Prime?"

"Yes," Thundercracker said firmly.

But as Megatron typed in the commands for a video call with the Autobot leader, the blue Seeker added.

"Why did you hurt that little one?"

Megatorn paused and then said.

"I did not hurt him, I merely installed a bit of discipline in him."

"Seekerlings shouldn't be confined to small spaces," Thundercracker said very seriously.

Megatron nodded slowly, the only acknowledgement he would give that he might have made a mistake. Skywarp now asked.

"Sir, did you do it to punish Starscream?"

Megatron looked at him for a moment and then said.

"Yes, that was my main reason. He needed to be taught a good lesson."

Before they could protest this, he added.

"I was planning on turning over the child to your care, after I'd integrated Starscream."

They seemed satisfied, for the moment. Further discussion was suspended as Telatran One answered Megatron's call. Megatron scowled as the image of Optimus Prime came into view.

"Megatron," Optimus said simply, not at all surprised to see his Nemesis.

"Prime," Megatron replied before getting right to the point.

"Where is my Seeker?"

"With his mate and son," Optimus answered smartly.

"Ratchet fixed him up and now he's resting."

"How generous of you, Prime," Megatron sneered.

"Thank you," OPtimus said, not rising to the bait.

"But I'm afraid he won't be able to travel for a while, he needs time to recover."

"How convenient," Megatron said with another sneer.

"That gives you plenty of time to try and woo my Seeker to your side."

"I'm doing no such thing," Optimus said evenly.

"Though I'd be more than happy to talk to him, I won't approach him."

"You expect me to believe that," Megatron said derisively.

"Believe what you will, Megatron," Optimus replied.

"But frankly, I don't think I'll have to. Skyfire will undoubtedly do all the persuading, especially as he can offer things I can't."

Megatron's optics narrowed.

"You think Starscream will become an Autobot just so he can frag his worthless mate every night?"

"I was actually thinking he could spend unlimited time with his son, though I admit that would probably be an added bonus," Optimus said, the amusement clear in his tone.

Megatron scowled furiously while the two Seekers looked very concerned.

"Hasn't Starscream been seeing his son at all?" Thundercracker questioned.

Optimus looked at the blue Seeker and decided the truth would be best.

"He has been visiting when he can."

Since they looked very pensive about this, Optimus added.

"Starscream had no idea that his mate was Carrying until the moment Icefire was born. Starscream sensed something was wrong and came to our best. And discovered he was a father."

Megatron rolled his optics as Optimus said this as the Seekers took it in. Finally, he said.

"So, you're not letting my Seeker go Prime?"

"Skyfire isn't, no. At least not in the immediate future," Optimus confirmed.

"So we won't be able to see him," Skywarp said, not looking happy at all.

"You can ask Skyfire," Optimus suggested. "But I suspect he will be spending the next few cycles looking after Icefire."

"We're going to try anyway," thundercracker said firmly as Skywarp nodded eagerly.

"Feel free to," Optimus said generously.

"Thank you Prime," Megatron snapped.

"But I think I'd better end this call, the conversation is making me nervous."

Optimus shrugged, his mask hiding a smile. Megatron growled and abruptly cut the call. He sat back, mentally nursing Autobots, flyers and Primes in general.

He shot a glare at the two Seekers before growling.

"You can see your Trine mate if you want, perhaps you can drag his sorry aft back here."

"We'll try," Skywarp said with a small grin.

Megatron growled again and the Seeker beat a hasty retreat. He knew they would go and badger Starscream. And hopefully have a good go at him for lying. He smiled, yes, that would serve that damn Seeker right, He could take his leader getting angry at him but he couldn't take his Trine mate's disappointment.

Maybe this incident would finally knock some sense and possibly obedience into his seeker. Perhaps this wasn't such a bad thing after all.

Starscream's POV

Starscream was woken by the sound of his son's whimpering and gurgling. He glanced down and saw Icefire was awake to but seemed to be very distressed. Since Skyfire still appeared to be recharging, Starscream sat up with Icefire in his hands.

"Shh, shh, it's alright," he murmured, rocking his son against his shoulder.

Icefire clung to him, still whimpering and Starscream guessed he'd had a nightmare. And it had likely been about being cooped up in that horrible small space. Starscream shivered as he remembered the times he'd been locked up as punishment for disobedience.

"Come on, baby, I'm here, no one can hurt you," he assured Icefire who chirped plaintively up at him.

"Are you hungry?" Starscream asked, glancing at his still sleeping mate.

"Would you like a little fuel?"

Icefire just whimpered again, so Starscream decided to feed him to see if it helped calm him down.

Starscream reached for Skyfire and managed to extract his fuel line and gave it a tug then a squeeze to get the processed Energon going. He then offered it to Icefire who shoved it into his mouth and started sucking greedily, bright optics on his Sire.

"Mmm," Starscream hummed as he watched Icefire feed, he was quite cute when he did that.

"Later, we can have a nice bath together, what do you think of that?"

Icefire gurgled, his mouth full of Energon, meaning some of it dribbled down. Starscream chuckled, grabbing a cloth to wipe it away. He then settled back to watch his son feed.

He knew later on in the day, he'd be angry about the situation he was in but right now he was happy to be with Icefire. He barely had any time with him, so he always treasured the moments he had with him.

"You have such a way with him," a soft voice said from behind him.

Starscream turned to see Skyfire was awake and smiling at him. The Shuttle reached out a hand and lightly stroked Icefire's head.

"Thanks," Starscream said lightly.

"He was a little upset, I thought some Energon might calm him down."

"Good plan," Skyfire said approvingly.

"We need to make him feel safe again, and one way is to feed him when he's hungry and asks for Energon."

"Yeah," Starscream said softly, turning back to Icefire.

"I want to do what's best for him."

Skyfire leaned forward and kissed his shoulder.

"I know you do," he said softly as Starscream shuddred.

"And I know you will Starscream."
In the next chapter, Starscream and Skyfire get intimate but how does that go? Find out next time, until then.

If you liked this chapter, please leave me a comment.
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joshy256789's avatar
Wait a Minute WAIT A MINUTE!  You doidnt tell me that Optimus Prime was with the Decepticons I thought he was going back to the autobots base